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The Saudi government has extended the exit visa period for foreigners

Exit visas for all foreigners, including Pakistanis, extended online till October 31, 2020 following a royal decree

The Saudi government has extended the exit visa period for foreigners

The Saudi government has extended the validity of exit visas for foreigners. Following the royal decree, the validity of exit visas for all foreigners, including Pakistanis, has been extended online until October 31, 2020. According to the details, the government of Saudi Arabia has further extended the validity of exit visas for foreigners due to the Karuna epidemic.
It is said that this step was taken after the royal decree. The Saudi Passport Department has extended the validity of all foreign exit visas online until October 31, 2020, by royal decree. All immigrants who could not use the exit visa due to travel restrictions from Saudi Arabia have had their visas extended free of charge until October 31, 2020.

The Saudi Passport Department has extended more than 28,800 final exit visas. It should be noted that the Saudi government last month partially lifted international travel restrictions, so that foreign Saudi passport holders stranded abroad could return to the kingdom. Thousands of Pakistanis stranded in Pakistan also returned to Saudi Arabia after the lifting of travel bans, but thousands of Pakistani passport holders are still unable to return to Saudi Arabia. In all these circumstances, the Pakistani government had also requested the Saudi authorities to extend the visa period for Pakistanis.

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